Course code: 2IS55
Time and location: Tuesday, 10:45-12:30 (3rd and 4th hours). In Q3 we will meet in Auditorium 16 (plan, the Auditorium building is denoted AUD). In Q4 we will meet in Auditorium 2.
The course will be videotaped this year, you can find the lectures on, (2) Computer Science, 2IS55. Due to (in)availability of the video recording staff we will have a class during the catch-up week of Q3 (April 3) but not on May 8.
Target audience: Master (CSE,ES,BIS) students interested in Software Engineering. Students intending to work on their graduation project at the Software Engineering & Technology specialization are specially encouraged to participate. Students following other programs at TU/e are welcome to join the class, subject to the regulations pertaining to the program followed and my approval.
Whether you would like to become a software developer or a researcher, a quality manager or a software architect, a requirements engineer or a consultant, 2IS55 is for you!
Background information on the course:
Nowadays change is often considered as the only constant factor in software development. Successful software systems are, therefore, those systems that can adapt to the ever changing requirements of the environment. One can, thus, compare this process of adaptation to the Darwin's "Survival of the fittest" principle. The problem is, however, that not much is known about evolution of software systems. This course will explore issues related to software evolution: why it is difficult, how we can cope with this difficulty and what can we learn from the past. Specifically, the course will look at advanced tools and techniques proposed by the research community to understand, ease and automate software evolution. In this course, you will have a chance not only to learn about methods and tools of software evolution, but also to apply them to assess software evolution of an existing software system.
Learning objectives:
After completing this course, you will be expected to be able to
The assignments will be made available on Peach. You can access Peach with your usual university login. Please do not forget to join "2IS55 Software Evolution".
Keep in mind that the deadlines are strict and no late submissions will be accepted (either by Peach or by me).
The final grade will be calculated as:
0.1*A1 + 0.2*A2 + 0.2*A3 + 0.15*A4 + 0.15*A5 + 0.2*A6
Individual assignments (A1, A3, A6) determine 50% of the grade. Assignments A2, A4, A5 can be carried out in pairs.
Deduction policy and grades: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6.
The list of lectures and topics is subject to change.