Alexander Serebrenik

Full Professor (HGL-2), SET

Post addressVisiting address
MF 6.095MF 6.095
P.O. Box 513Groene Loper 5
5600 MB Eindhoven 5612 AE Eindhoven
The NetherlandsThe Netherlands

Twitter: @aserebrenik
e-mail: a.serebrenik at
phone: +31 40 247 3595 (office)

 By people and for people

Since February 6, 2023 I am leading the Software Engineering and Technology (SET) cluster. As of July 2020 I am also leading one of the groups within the cluster, namely the Social Software Engineering group. Before this I used to be Associate Professor (2013-2020) and Assistant Professor (2008-2013) in SET, Assistant professor at LaQuSo (2004-2008) and a postdoctoral researcher in the Sémantique, preuve et interprétation abstraite (Semantics, Proof and Abstract Interpretation) group led by late Radhia Cousot (January-June 2004). Till December 2003 I've used to work at the Declarative Languages and' Artificial Intelligence group at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In July 2003 I have defended a Ph.D. thesis entitled Termination Analysis of Logic Programs (PDF). My Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Danny De Schreye. In 1999 I've obtained my masters degree from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel. My supervisors were Dr. Naomi Lindenstrauss and Prof. Yehoshua Sagiv.

From July till October 2018 I was on sabbatical visiting Nicole Novielli and Collaborative Development Group in Università degli studi di Bari "Aldo Moro". From January 2013 till August 2017 I was also a part-time visiting researcher at the Software Analysis and Transformation group of CWI, led by Jurgen J. Vinju. In October-November 2013 I've visited Vladimir Filkov and Prem Devanbu in UC Davis. From September till December 2012 I was on sabbatical at the Software Engineering lab of University of Mons, headed by Tom Mens.

My research domain is empirical software engineering including both its social and technical aspects. I am particularly interested in understanding and supporting diversity of software development teams, their communication and collaboration. I like mining software repositories, conducting surveys and interviews and measuring software artefacts and processes. In a distant past I also used to work on static analysis, process modeling and verification, termination analysis, logic programming, Petri nets, abstract interpretation, and database query languages.

Creating an inclusive environment where different software developers can feel welcome and leverage their talents is an ethical imperative no company can ignore. Indeed, software organizations have in the last decade been trying to make changes for a more diverse and inclusive software development environment. Despite the many efforts, diversity remains low. This book provides an overview of research into the different aspects of diversity and inclusion in software engineering, as well as the tools, methods, and practices proposed to foster diversity and to build inclusive software teams and development environments. For Researchers, the book presents a state-of-the-art collection of existing studies into many aspects of diversity, methods, and tools proposed and tried out in practice, challenges in research, and contributing to a research agenda on this topic for future studies. For Industry practitioners, the book describes efforts to investigate diversity in software teams, whether in corporate or open source environments. It also describes empirical evidence about effectiveness of certain methods and approaches to foster diversity and inclusion in software development. For Educators,the book describes practices and effective changes in Computer Science/Software Engineering curricula that were found as effective in engaging learners from minoritized groups, creating inclusive software teams that are diverse, and which relate to educational material useful for training for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Open Access at Springer Link

"This book is an excellent overview of the latest research in software evolution as it covers a wide range of systems and artifacts as well as analysis techniques. The book is for everyone interested in evolving software systems. For students, it reveals the complexity and challenges after the initial release of a software system. For researchers, it's the perfect starting point to identify new, important research challenges. For practitioners, it's a fantastic introduction to the latest techniques and tools used in software engineering research such as search-based techniques and mining unstructured data. Thanks so much the editors and authors for putting together such a fabulous and inspiring book. I love it!" Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA

"Modern society depends on software flexibility. Yet at the same time, software loses a bit of its flexibility with every change made to it. The field of software evolution research aims at understanding the processes of software evolution, and at proposing methods and techniques to manage evolution. This book provides a wonderful overview of the state of the art in software evolution. The editors did a great job in identifying challenging areas of research, and found the right experts to present the state of the art. Important areas such as evolving product lines and web applications are covered, as are underlying evolution techniques such as repository mining and search-based analysis. The book is a great resource, and I have immediately shared it with my co-workers. Highly recommended!" Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Amazon Springer

I have acted as member of hiring and promotion committees for academic staff at Radboud University and Utrecht University. In Eindhoven I am a member of the Interdepartmental Committee "Humans, Technology, Management & Design". I have also been part of hiring and evaluation committees abroad.

My current Ph.D. students: Annie Zhou (joint with Alexander Nolte), Ismay Wolff (joint with Jacob Krüger), Lavinia Paganini (joint with Alexander Nolte), Hamid Mohayeji Nasrabadi (joint with Eleni Constantinou), Miguel Botto Tobar (joint with Mark van den Brand).

My former Ph.D. students: Jeroen Arnoldus (currently Software Engineer at Repleo, The Netherlands), Marcel van Amstel (currently Project Cluster Manager at ASML, The Netherlands), John Businge (currently Assistant Professor at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA), Bogdan Vasilescu (cum laude; currently Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Arjan van der Meer (currently Software Engineer at Altran, The Netherlands), Yanja Dajsuren (currently EngD Software Technology Program Director and part-time Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Yaping (Luna) Luo (currently IT Area Lead at the ING bank), Josh Mengerink (currently co-founder and lead architect at TIBO Energy, The Netherlands), Felipe Ebert (currently Lecturer at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands), Monika Gupta (currently Lead Technology Consultant at Celonis and Guest Faculty at IIT Jodhpur, India), Tukaram Muske (currently Software Engineer at Black Duck Software, India), Weslley Torres (currently Senior Software Engineer at Vanderlande, The Netherlands), Nan Yang (currently researcher at TNO-ESI) and Nathan Cassee (cum laude; joint with Nicole Novielli; postdoctoral researcher at University of Victoria, Canada from December 1, 2024). Gema Rodríguez-Pérez was a researcher in our group, co-supervised by Andy Zaidman (Delft University of Technology). Felipe Ebert was a postdoctoral researcher in our group.

I've also been Rüdiger Lincke's opponent at Växjö University in Sweden, as well as a committee member of Paolo Pilozzi (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), Mathieu Goeminne (University of Mons, Belgium), Waqar (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Michaël Marcozzi (University of Namur, Belgium), Andre Hora (University Lille 1, France), Daniele Romano (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Yongming Luo (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Jean Melo (IT University, Denmark), Nesrine Noughi (University of Namur, Belgium), Önder Babur (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Cong Liu (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Ahmed Zerouali (University of Mons, Belgium), Alaaeddin Swidan (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Sergio Angelastro, Giuseppe Iaffaldano, Angelo Impedovo and Paolo Mignone (all - Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy), Adam Alami (IT University, Denmark), Jiayuan Zhou (Queen's University, Canada), Areti Ampatzoglou (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands), Vladimir Kovalenko (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Alex Cummaudo (Deakin University, Australia), Huatian Wang (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Carianne Pretorius (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Gouliang Zhao (Queen's University, Canada), Camila Costa Silva (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Lina Ochoa (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Johannes Härtel (University of Koblenz, Germany), Gunnar Kudrjavets (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Ting Zhang (Singapore Management University, Singapore), Zishuo Ding (Concordia University, Canada), Pavlo Burda (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Azadeh Mozafari Mehr (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Jyoti Prakash Meher (IIT Kharagpur, India), Isabella Graßl (University of Passau, Germany), Thomas Mulder (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) and Aastha Pant (Monash University, Australia). In the coming months I will be on the PhD committee of Natarajan Chidambaram (University of Mons, Belgium). I also was an external evaluator of theses by Simone Sclabrino (University of Molise, Italy), Miikka Kuutila (University of Oulu, Finland), Idan Amit (Hebrew University, Israel), a member of the license committee of Cristina Martinez Montes (Chalmers University and Gothenburg University, Sweden) and a member of the defense committee of Yikun Li (University of Groningen).

I've also had the privilege of hosting several visiting scholars: Giulia Sellitto (University of Salerno, Italy), Daniela Grassi (University of Bari, Italy), Michel Maes Bermejo (King Juan Carlos University, Spain), Valentina Piantadosi (University of Molise, Italy), Daniela Girardi (University of Bari, Italy), Edna Canedo (University of Brasilia, Brazil), Tukaram Muske (Tata Research Development and Design Centre, India), Guilherme Avelino (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Monika Gupta (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India), Felipe Ebert (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil), and Paloma Oliveira (Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil).

Externally funded projects

Invited talks



Editorial board member of Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE).
Coordinating Editor of Empirical Software Engineering (Spinger Verlag) also Distinguished reviewer (2017)
Senior Associate Editor of Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier),
Former Editorial board member of Science of Computer Programming (Elsevier).

Conference organisation

Steering commitee member: ICPC (2020-2023), ICSME (2013-2016, 2016-2019), secretary in 2013-2014, chair 2014-2019; SCAM (2015-2018)

General chair: TechDebt 2025, ICPC 2021, SCAM 2021, ICSM 2013

Co-organizer: Dagstuhl Seminar 19471: BOTse: Bots in Software Engineering

PC co-chair: EASE 2024, RoPES 2022 (together with Neil Ernst, Jeffrey Carver, Carianne Pretorius, Preetha Chatterjee, Matthew Smith and Bonita Sharif), SCAM 2019 (together with Yoshiki Higo), SEmotion 2018 (together with Andrew Begel and Daniel Graziotin), ICPC 2017 (together with David Lo), SEN Symposium 2017 (together with Marieke Huisman and Tanja Vos), EOSESE 2015, SANER 2015 (together with Bram Adams), APNOC 2010 (together with Natalia Sidorova), BENEVOL 2008, APNOC 2009 (together with Natalia Sidorova), WST 2007 (together with Dieter Hofbauer), WLPE 2005 (together with Susana Muñoz Hernández), WLPE'03 (together with Fred Mesnard), Termination day in Leuven 2003

Track chair:

Diversity and Inclusion co-chair: ICSE 2021 (with Jo Atlee), ESEC/FSE 2021 (with Bonita Sharif)

Open Science co-chair of ESEM'21 and ESEIW/ESEM'20 (together with Fabio Calefato).

PC member: ICSE'26, ICSME'25, ASE'25, GE'25, MSR'25 (Technical papers), Programming'24 (Posters and Demos), ICSME'24 (Technical papers, distinguished reviewer award), MSR'24 (Technical papers), RE'24 (Technical papers), FSE'24 (Research), ICSE'24 (Technical track, distinguished reviewer award), GE'24, SCAM'23 (Replications and Negative Results), ICSME'23 (distinguished reviewer award), TechDebt'23, Workshops of ICSE'23 (BotSE, GE), EASE'23, CHASE 2023, ICPC'23 (Research), MSR'23 (Research track, Mining Challenge), ESEC/FSE'23, SANER'23, ESEM'22, ICSME'22, CHASE'22, Workshops of ICSE'22 (BotSE, GE), HUMAN'22, ICPC'22 (Research), ASE'22 (Research, Doctoral Symposium), MSR'22 (Research track, distinguished reviewer award), SANER'22 (Replications and Negative Results), ICSE'22 (Technical track, distinguished reviewer award for "outstanding performance, reliability, and clear and thoughtful feedback"), BENEVOL'21, AffectRE'21, SBES'21, WEARS'21, ESEM'21 (Research track, Registered Reports), CHASE'21 (distinguished reviewer award), ECSA'21 (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), ASE'21 (Research), CSCW'21 (Main track), ICSSP/ICGSE 2021 (Doctoral Symposium), Workshops of ICSE'21 (SoHeal, BotSE, SEmotion), MSR'21 (Research track, mentor of the Shadow PC, Most Influential Paper 2011), SANER'21 (Research track), ESEC/FSE'21 (Research track, Doctoral Symposium), ICSE'21 (Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training), BENEVOL'20, SCAM'20 (NIER), EASEAI'20, ICSME'20 (Research track), AffectRE'20, ASE'20 (Research track), ESEM'20 (Research track), TD4DASS'20, Workshops of ICSE'20 (BotSE, CHASE, SEmotion, SoHeal), ICPC'20 (Research track), ESEC/FSE'20 (Research track, distinguished reviewer award), SANER'20 (Research track, Late Breaking Ideas, Journal First), ICSE'20 (Research track), SOFSEM'20, BENEVOL'19, CSCW 2019 Interactive Posters, ASE'19 Late Breaking Results, VISSOFT'19 (NIER/Tool Demo Track), ICSME'19 (Research track, Late Breaking Ideas Track), Workshops of ICSE 2019 (SoHeal, SEmotion, CHASE, Gender Equality in Software Engineering), ICPC'19 (Research track, Replications), MSR'19, ESEC/FSE'19 (Research track, Student research competition), SANER'19 (Research track, REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results, Journal first), ICSE'19 (Research track, posters), BENEVOL'18, CSCW 2018 Posters, ECSA2018 Women in Software Architecture Track, AffectRE'18, ICSME'18, SCAM'18, SATTOSE'18, Workshops of ICSE 2018 (CHASE, SoHeal), COGNISE'18, ICPC'18 (distinguished reviewer award), MSR'18, SANER'18 (distinguished reviewer award), SANER'18 (REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results), ICSE'18 (distinguished reviewer award), WEA'17, SATTOSE'17, ESEM'17 Short Papers and Posters, SCAM'17, COGNISE'17, WASA'17, SANER'17 (distinguished reviewer award), Workshops of ICSE 2017 (CHASE, SEmotion, SESOS-WDES), WEA'16, WASA'16, Workshops of ICSE 2016 (CHASE, SEmotion, WETSOM), MSR'16 Data showcase, SCAM'16, ICPC'16, ICSME'16, ISEC'16, SANER'16, SANER'16 ERA, MASE'15, ICSME'15, GTTSE'15, SCAM'15 (distinguished reviewer award), ICPC'15 ERA, MSR'15 Data showcase, SATTOSE'15, WASA'15, ICSME'14 (distinguished reviewer award), IWSECO-WEA'14, WETSoM'14, EASE'14, MSR'14 Data showcase, CSMR'13 ERA, WETSoM'13, First International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures (WEA 2013), ICSM'13, Doctoral Symposium, ICPC'12, WETSoM'12, WLPE'12, ICLP'11, SLE'11, WLPE'11, CSMR'10, SLE'10, CSR'09, SLE'09, WLPE'09, WLPE'08, LOPSTR'07, WLPE'07, WLPE'06, JFPLC'04, WLPE'04.

Hackathon chair of SATTOSE 2014.

Publicity Chair/Social Media Chair for SLE 2009, ICLP'06.

Organiser: IPA Spring Days 2012 on Model-Driven Software Engineering (together with Tijs van der Storm, Arend Rensink and Tim Willemse), VVSS 2007 (together with Marko van Eekelen).

Treasurer: GPCE 2010 and SLE 2010.

Professional societies

Senior member of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society.

In 2015-2016 I was member of the initiatives team and the online presence manager of the IEEE Software magazine. From 2017 this task is taken over by Damian Andrew Tamburri.

In 2017 I was member of the IEEE CS Integrity Committee, chaired by Davide Falessi.

In 2022 I am a member of the IEEE CS Diversity and Inclusion Committee, as well as a Liaison for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (together with Jo Atlee and Kelly Blincoe).

I am currently acting as the secretary of the executive board of VERSEN (VEReniging Software Engineering Nederland), the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering.

Education management and organisation

Bachelor: In 2014-2016 I was the chairman of the Educational Board for Bachelor Computer Science Majors (Software Science and Web Science) and a member of the Advisory Committee for Bachelor programs (ACB).

Master: In 2015-2019 I was the adjunct director of the Computer Science Graduate Program, i.e., I was co-responsible for issues crossing the boundaries of individual master programs offered by our Department. In 2010-2014 I was the program manager of the Computer Science and Engineering Master program.

I am a board member of Compass, LGBTIQ+ community of students and employees at Eindhoven University of Technology.

Recruitment committees

I've been member of Assistant professor recruitment committees in Eindhoven University of Technology, Radboud University of Nijmegen and University of Namur.

Interviews/publications about my work



2IMP40 Empirical Methods in Software Engineering
  2ID50 Databases and data modeling
  2IPE0 Software engineering project


2IMP40 Empirical Methods in Software Engineering
  2ID50 Databases and data modeling
  2IPE0 Software engineering project
  2IMP25 Software evolution


2IMP40 Empirical Methods in Software Engineering (Excellent course evaluation)
  2ID50 Databases and data modeling
  2IPE0 Software engineering project
  2IMP25 Software evolution


2IMP40 Applications of Data Science to Software Engineering
  2ID50 Databases and data modeling
  2IPE0 Software engineering project


2IMP40 Applications of Data Science to Software Engineering
  2ID50 Databases and data modeling
  2IPE0 Software engineering project


2IMP25 Software evolution
  2IPE0 Software engineering project


2IMP25 Software evolution
  2IPE0 Software engineering project


2ICC2 Coaching 2nd year
  2ICC3 Coaching 3rd year
  2ID50 Data modelling and databases
  2IMP25 Software evolution


2ICC2 Coaching 2nd year
  2ICC3 Coaching 3rd year
  2ID50 Data modelling and databases
  2IMP25 Software evolution


2ICC0 Coaching
  2ID50 Data modelling and databases (Sakai)
  2IMP25 Software evolution (Peach)


2IS95 Seminar software engineering and technology (Peach)


2ICC0 Coaching
  2ID50 Data modelling and databases (Sakai)
  2IW80 Software specification and architecture (Peach)
  2IS55 Software evolution (Peach)


2IS95 Seminar software engineering and technology (Peach)
  2IW80 Software specification and architecture (Peach)
  2IS55 Software evolution (Peach)


2IS55 Software evolution (Peach)


2ID05 Datamodelleren en databases (Sakai)
  2IS95 Seminar software engineering and technology (Peach)
  2IS55 Software evolution (Peach; Excellent course evaluation)


2ID05 Datamodelleren en databases
  2IS95 Seminar software engineering and technology (Peach)
  2IS55 Software evolution (Peach)


2ID05 Datamodelleren en databases
  2IS95 Seminar software engineering and technology
  2IS55 Software evolution (Peach)


2ID05 Datamodelleren en databases
  2IM23 Minor project (Verdiepende minor)
  2IM24 Minor project (Minor TI)
  2IC95 Seminar security
  2IF03 Seminar information security technology
  2IP35 Software engineering project
  2IS99 Capita selecta software engineering and technology
2007-2008 2IF03 Seminar information security technology
  2IF25 Formal methods
  2IM23 Minor project (evaluatieresultaten)
2006-2007 2IF03 Seminar information security technology
  2L340 Kennissystemen

My Erdős number turned out to be much smaller than I've thought:

  1. first kind (all papers) 3 (Erdős - Blass - Dershowitz - Serebrenik)
  2. second kind (only two-authored papers) 6 (Erdős - Shelah - Weiss - Connes - van Daele - De Schreye - Serebrenik)

My H-number (h-index) according to Google Scholar is 60. My math genealogy page.

Publications (DBLP, TU/e, Scholar):

  1. Miroslaw Staron, Silvia Abrahão, Alexander Serebrenik, Birgit Penzenstadler, Jennifer Horkoff, Chetan Honnenahalli. Laws, Ethics, and Fairness in Software Engineering, IEEE Software, 42(1):110-113, 2025.
  2. Nathan Cassee, Neil Ernst, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik Negativity in Self-Admitted Technical Debt: How Sentiment Influences Prioritization. Empirical Software Engineering, 2024 (accepted).
  3. Zixuan Feng, Igor Steinmacher, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Tyler Menezes, Alexander Serebrenik, Reed Milewicz, Anita Sarma. The Multifaceted Nature of Mentoring in OSS: Strategies, Qualities, and Ideal Outcomes, 18th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, 2025.
  4. Sonja Hyrynsalmi, Sebastian Baltes, Chris Brown, Rafael Prikladnicki, Gema Rodriguez-Perez, Alexander Serebrenik, Jocelyn Simmonds, Bianca Trinkenreich, Yi Wang, Grischa Liebel. Making Software Development More Diverse and Inclusive: Key Themes, Challenges, and Future Directions. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2024 (PDF).
  5. Sebastian Uchitel, Marsha Chechik, Massimiliano Di Penta, Bram Adams, Nazareno Aguirre, Gabriele Bavota, Domenico Bianculli, Kelly Blincoe, Ana Cavalcanti, Yvonne Dittrich, Filomena Ferrucci, Rashina Hoda, LiGuo Huang, David Lo, Michael R. Lyu, Lei Ma, Jonathan I. Maletic, Leonardo Mariani, Collin McMillan, Tim Menzies, Martin Monperrus, Ana Moreno, Nachiappan Nagappan, Liliana Pasquale, Patrizio Pelliccione, Michael Pradel, Rahul Purandare, Sukyoung Ryu, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, Alexander Serebrenik, Jun Sun, Kla Tantithamthavorn, Christoph Treude, Manuel Wimmer, Yingfei Xiong, Tao Yue, Andy Zaidman, Tao Zhang, Hao Zhong Scoping Software Engineering for AI: The TSE Perspective IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 50(11), 2709-2711, 2024
  6. Mariska Jacobs, Reed Milewicz, Alexander Serebrenik. Mentorship of Women in OSS Projects: A Cross-Disciplinary, Integrative Review In Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights. Daniela Damian, Kelly Blincoe, Denae Ford, Alexander Serebrenik, Zainab Masood (eds.). 1 ed. Apress, Inc., pp. 337-364 (PDF)
  7. Alexander Serebrenik. How to Ask About Gender Identity of Software Engineers and "Guess" It from the Archival Data In Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights. Daniela Damian, Kelly Blincoe, Denae Ford, Alexander Serebrenik, Zainab Masood (eds.). 1 ed. Apress, Inc., pp. 487-505 (PDF)
  8. Daniela Damian, Kelly Blincoe, Denae Ford, Alexander Serebrenik, Zainab Masood. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights Apress, Inc. xx, 539 p., 2024
  9. Maarten C.J. Hornikx, Huiqing Wang, Ilaria Fichera, Lavinia Paganini, Alexander Nolte, Alexander Serebrenik. Exploring the Current Landscape of Open Research Software in Room Acoustics. 53rd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2024.
  10. Pavlo Burda, Luca Allodi, Alexander Serebrenik, Nicola Zannone. 'Protect and Fight Back': A Case Study on User Motivations to Report Phishing Emails. European Symposium on Usable Security, 2024 (distinguished paper award, PDF)
  11. Alexander Serebrenik, Nathan Cassee. Teaching Empirical Software Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. In Daniel Mendez, Paris Avgeriou, Marcos Kalinowski, Nauman bin Ali (Eds.), Teaching Empirical Research Methods in Software Engineering, 2024, pp. 179-207 (PDF).
  12. Filip Zamfirov, Dennis R. Dams, Mazyar Seraj, Alexander Serebrenik. Encoding Domain Knowledge in Log Analysis, 40th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2024 (PDF).
  13. Sonja Hyrynsalmi, Sebastian Baltes, Chris Brown, Rafael Prikladnicki, Gema Rodriguez-Perez, Alexander Serebrenik, Jocelyn Simmonds, Bianca Trinkenreich, Yi Wang, Grischa Liebel. Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: Advancing Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion Through Future-Oriented Research Software Engineering in 2030 (Preprint, accepted).
  14. Michel Maes Bermejo, Alexander Serebrenik, Micael Gallego, Francisco Gortázar, Gregorio Robles, and Jesús M. González-Barahona. Hunting bugs: Towards an automated approach to identifying which change caused a bug through regression testing Empirical Software Engineering (accepted).
  15. Aviva de Groot, George Fletcher, Gijs van Maanen, Akrati Saxena, Alexander Serebrenik, Linnet Taylor. A canon is a blunt force instrument: data science, canons, and generative frictions, In Juliane Jarke, Jo Bates (Eds.), Dialogues in Data Power Shifting Response-abilities in a Datafied World, 2024, Bristol University Press (accepted).
  16. Nathan Cassee, Andrei Agaronian, Eleni Constantinou, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik Transformers and Meta-Tokenization in Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering, 2024 (accepted).
  17. Martin P. Robillard, Deeksha Arya, Neil Ernst, Jin L.C. Guo, Maxime Lamothe, Mathieu Nassif, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik, Igor Steinmacher, Klaas-Jan Stol. Communicating Study Design Trade-offs in Software Engineering. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2024 (accepted).
  18. Luiz Alexandre Costa, Edson Dias, Danilo Ribeiro Awdren Fontão, Gustavo Pinto, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos and Alexander Serebrenik. An Actionable Framework for Understanding and Improving Talent Retention as a Competitive Advantage in IT Organizations, International Conference on Software Engineering (poster), 2024, (PDF, accepted).
  19. Kei Koyanagi, Dong Wang, Kotaro Noguchi, Masanari Kondo, Alexander Serebrenik, Yasutaka Kamei and Naoyasu Uboyashi. Exploring the Effect of Multiple Natural Languages on Code Suggestion Using GitHub Copilot, 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2024 (PDF, accepted).
  20. Jarl Jansen, Nathan Cassee, Alexander Serebrenik. Sentiment of Technical Debt Security Questions on Stack Overflow: A Replication Study 31st IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2024, (PDF, accepted).
  21. Silvia Abrahão, Miroslaw Staron, Alexander Serebrenik, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rafael Prikladnicki, Henry Muccini. Focusing on Developers in the Era of AI and ML, IEEE Software, 40(6):126-129, 2023.
  22. Juliana Carvalho Silva do Outão, Luiz Alexandre Costa, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos and Alexander Serebrenik. What are the barriers that women face in proprietary software ecosystem? 14th International Conference on Software Business. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. XXX, Springer Verlag, 2023. accepted
  23. Nicole Novielli and Alexander Serebrenik. Emotion Analysis in Software Ecosystems In T. Mens, C. De Roover, A. Cleve (Eds.), Software Ecosystems: Tooling and Analytics, 2023, Springer Verlag, pp. 105--127 (PDF)
  24. Silvia Abrahão, Miroslaw Staron, Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Jennifer Horkoff, Birgit Penzenstadler, Paul Ralph, Alexander Serebrenik. Research Highlights in Evidence-based Software Engineering, IEEE Software, accepted.
  25. Pavlina Wurzel Gonçalves, Gül Çalikli, Alexander Serebrenik, and Alberto Bacchelli. Competencies for Code Review, Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 7(CSCW1): 1-33 (2023). (PDF)
  26. Silvia Abrahão, Miroslaw Staron, Alexander Serebrenik, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rafael Capilla. Open Source Software: Communities and Quality, IEEE Software, 40(4): 96-99 (2023).
  27. Birgit Penzenstadler, Alexander Serebrenik, Miroslaw Staron, Lorin Hochstein. From the War in Ukraine to Cannabis Use: Exploring a Diverse Set of Papers. IEEE Software, 40(2): 99-102 (2023).
  28. Khairul Alam, Banani Roy, Alexander Serebrenik Reusability Challenges of Scientific Workflows: A Case Study for Galaxy. 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2023 (accepted)
  29. Florian Markusse, Philipp Leitner, Alexander Serebrenik Towards Continuous Performance Assessment of Java Applications With PerfBot IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE), 2023, pp. 6-9
  30. Önder Babur, Eleni Constantinou, Alexander Serebrenik. Language Usage Analysis for EMF Metamodels on GitHub. Empirical Software Engineering, 2023 (accepted).
  31. Victoria Bogachenkova, Eduardo Costa Martins, Jarl Jansen, Ana-Maria Olteniceanu, Bartjan Henkemans, Chinno Lavin, Linh Nguyen, Thea Bradley, Veerle Fürst, Hossain Muhammad Muctadir, Mark van den Brand, Loek Cleophas, and Alexander Serebrenik. LaMa: a thematic labelling web application. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(85), 5135, 2023 (PDF).
  32. Alexander Serebrenik Overlevingsstrategieën voor vrouwen, tips voor werkgevers. AG Connect, April 2023, pp. 50-54 In Dutch. (PDF)
  33. Ana de Almeida Borges, Annalí Casanueva Artís, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, Érik Martin-Dorel, Karl Palmskog, Alexander Serebrenik, and Théo Zimmermann Lessons for Interactive Theorem Proving Researchers from a Survey of Coq Users Interactive Theorem Proving, 2023 (accepted).
  34. Hamid Mohayeji Nasrabadi, Andrei Agaronian, Eleni Constantinou, Nicola Zannone, and Alexander Serebrenik. On the Resolution of Vulnerable Dependencies with Dependabot Security Updates, Mining Software Repositories, 2023 (distinguished paper award, PDF).
  35. Valentina Piantadosi, Simone Scalabrino, Alexander Serebrenik, Nicole Novielli, and Rocco Oliveto. Do Attention and Memory Explain the Performance of Software Developers? Empirical Software Engineering, 2023 (PDF, accepted).
  36. Alexander Serebrenik Diversity and Inclusion in Software Engineering. Software Engineering 2023, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik. LNI P-332, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2023, ISBN 978-3-88579-726-5, pp. 21-22
  37. Lavinia Paganini, Kiev Gama, Alexander Nolte, and Alexander Serebrenik Opportunities and constraints of women-focused online hackathons. Gender Equity workshop, 2023 (PDF, accepted).
  38. Daniela Grassi, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, and Alexander Serebrenik Towards Supporting Emotion Awareness in Retrospective Meetings. 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2023, pp. 101-105 (PDF).
  39. Sterre van Breukelen, Ann Barcomb, Sebastian Baltes, Alexander Serebrenik "STILL AROUND": Experiences and Survival Strategies of Veteran Women Software Developers. 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2023, pp. 1152-1164 (distinguished paper award, PDF).
  40. Amir Ghorbani, Nathan Cassee, Derek Robinson, Adam Alami, Neil Ernst, Alexander Serebrenik, Andrzej Wąsowski Autonomy Is An Acquired Taste: Exploring Developer Preferences for GitHub Bots. 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2023, pp. 1409-1421 (PDF).
  41. Pavlína Wurzel Gonçalves, Gül Çalıklı, Alexander Serebrenik, and Alberto Bacchelli. Competencies for Code Review, The 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing, 2023 (PDF, accepted).
  42. Nan Yang, Pieter Cuijpers, Dennis Hendriks, Ramon Schiffelers, Johan Lukkien and Alexander Serebrenik. An interview study about the use of logs in embedded software engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, 2022, (PDF, accepted).
  43. Khairul Alam, Banani Roy, Alexander Serebrenik Recommending Tools and Sub-workflows for Scientific Workflow Management Systems. 17th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, 2022, accepted
  44. Birgit Penzenstadler, Silvia Abrahão, Miroslaw Staron, Alexander Serebrenik, Jeffrey C. Carver, Lorin Hochstein. Bots in Software Engineering. IEEE Software 39(5):101-104, 2022
  45. Tukaram Muske, Alexander Serebrenik. Classification and Ranking of Delta Static Analysis Alarms, 22nd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation, 2022, pp. 197-207 (PDF)
  46. Niloofar Mansoor, Tukaram Muske, Alexander Serebrenik, Bonita Sharif. An Empirical Assessment of Repositioning of Static Analysis Alarms, 22nd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation, 2022, pp. 219-229 (PDF)
  47. Victoria Bogachenkova, Linh Nguyen, Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Alexander Serebrenik. Evolution of Atoms of Confusion across Pull Requests, 38th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2022, pp. 404-408 (PDF)
  48. Nicole Novielli, Daniela Grassi, Filippo Lanubile, and Alexander Serebrenik. Sensor-Based Emotion Recognition in Software Development: Facial Expressions as Gold Standard 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2022, pp. 1-8 (PDF)
  49. Ana de Almeida Borges, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Jim Fehrle, Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, Érik Martin-Dorel, Karl Palmskog, Alexander Serebrenik, and Théo Zimmermann Coq Community Survey 2022: Summary of Results The Coq Workshop 2022 (PDF).
  50. Florian Markusse, Philipp Leitner, Alexander Serebrenik Using Benchmarking Bots for Continuous Performance Assessment IEEE Software, 39(5):50-55, 2022 (PDF).
  51. Miguel Botto-Tobar, Mark G.J. van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection: Methods, Tools, and Challenges: A Systematic Review, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 12(2):589-599, 2022 (PDF).
  52. Nathan Cassee, Fiorella Zampetti, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik, and Massimiliano Di Penta. Self-Admitted Technical Debt and Comments' Polarity: An Empirical Study, Empirical Software Engineering, 27(6):139, 2022 (PDF).
  53. Jeffrey C. Carver, Xabier Larrucea, Alexander Serebrenik, Miroslaw Staron. Technical Debt Problems and Concerns IEEE Software 39(3):116-119, 2022.
  54. Weslley Silva Torres, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. Xamã: Optical Character Recognition for Multi-domain Model Management Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2022 (PDF, accepted).
  55. Gias Uddin, Omar Alam, Alexander Serebrenik. A Qualitative Study of Developers' Discussions On Their Problems and Joys During the Early COVID-19 Months, Empirical Software Engineering, 27(5):117, 2022 (PDF).
  56. Bin Lin, Nathan Cassee, Alexander Serebrenik, Gabriele Bavota, Nicole Novielli, Michele Lanza. Opinion Mining for Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 31(3), article 38, pp. 1-41, 2022 (PDF).
  57. Ambarish Moharil, Dmitrii Orlov, Samar Jameel, Tristan Trouwen, Nathan Cassee, and Alexander Serebrenik. Between JIRA and GitHub: ASFBot and its Influence on Human Comments in Issue Trackers, 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, pp.112-116, 2022 (PDF).
  58. Marcel Meesters, Petra Heck, and Alexander Serebrenik. What Is an AI Engineer? An Empirical Analysis of Job Ads in The Netherlands, International Conference on AI Engineering---Software Engineering for AI, pp. 136-144, 2022 (PDF).
  59. Hamid Mohayeji Nasrabadi, Felipe Ebert, Eric Arts, Eleni Constantinou, and Alexander Serebrenik. On the Adoption of a TODO Bot on GitHub: A Preliminary Study, Fourth Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering, 23-27, 2022 (PDF).
  60. Felipe Ebert, Alexander Serebrenik, Christoph Treude, Nicole Novielli, Fernando Castor. On Recruiting Experienced GitHub Contributors for Interviews and Surveys on Prolific. International Workshop on Recruiting Participants for Empirical Software Engineering (PDF, accepted).
  61. Tukaram Muske and Alexander Serebrenik. Survey of Approaches for Postprocessing of Static Analysis Alarms ACM Computing Surveys, 55(3), article 48, pp. 1-39, April 2023 (PDF).
  62. Mairieli Wessel, Alexander Serebrenik, Igor Scaliante Wiese, Igor Steinmacher and Marco Aurélio Gerosa. Quality Gatekeepers: Investigating the Effects of Code Review Bots on Pull Request Activities, Empirical Software Engineering, 27(5):108, 2022 (PDF).
  63. Nan Yang, Isabella Ferreira, Alexander Serebrenik, Bram Adams. Why Do Projects Join the Apache Software Foundation?, 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Society, pp.161-171, 2022 (PDF).
  64. Stefano Lambiase, Gemma Catolino, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik, Fabio Palomba, Filomena Ferrucci. Good Fences Make Good Neighbours? On the Impact of Cultural and Geographical Dispersion on Community Smells, 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Society, pp. 67-78, 2022 (PDF).
  65. Camila Sarmento, Tiago Massoni, Alexander Serebrenik, Gemma Catolino, Damian Andrew Tamburri and Fabio Palomba. Gender Diversity and Community Smells: a Double-Replication Study on Brazilian Software Teams, 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, Replications and Negative Results, 2022, pp. 273-283 (PDF)
  66. Nathan Cassee, Alexander Serebrenik. Koester de ontwikkelaar. AG Connect, December 2021, pp. 69-71 (Online, PDF). In Dutch.
  67. Steffen Herbold, Alexander Trautsch, Benjamin Ledel, Alireza Aghamohammadi, Taher Ahmed Ghaleb, Kuljit Kaur Chahal, Tim Bossenmaier, Bhaveet Nagaria, Philip Makedonski, Matin Nili Ahmadabadi, Kristóf Szabados, Helge Spieker, Matej Madeja, Nathaniel Hoy, Valentina Lenarduzzi, Shangwen Wang, Gema Rodriguez Perez, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Roberto Verdecchia, Paramvir Singh, Yihao Qin, Debasish Chakroborti, Willard Davis, Vijay Walunj, Hongjun Wu, Diego Marcilio, Omar Alam, Abdullah Aldaeej, Idan Amit, Burak Turhan, Simon Eismann, Anna-Katharina Wickert, Ivano Malavolta, Matúš Sulír, Fatemeh Fard, Austin Z. Henley, Stratos Kourtzanidis, Eray Tüzün, Christoph Treude, Simin Maleki Shamasbi, Ivan Pashchenko, Marvin Wyrich, James C. Davis, Alexander Serebrenik, Ella Albrecht, Ethem Utku Aktas, Daniel Strüber, Johannes Erbel. A Fine-grained Data Set and Analysis of Tangling in Bug Fixing Commits Empirical Software Engineering, 27(6):125, 2022 (PDF)
  68. Jeffrey C. Carver, Rafael Capilla, Alexander Serebrenik, Miroslaw Staron. Automated Authoring, Onboarding Developers, and Extracting Decision Rationale IEEE Software 38(5):110-121, 2021
  69. Weslley Silva Torres, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. A Systematic Literature Review of Cross-Domain Model Consistency Checking by Model Management Tools Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, 20(3): 897-916, 2021 (PDF, SharedIt).
  70. Nathan Cassee, Christos Kitsanelis, Eleni Constantinou and Alexander Serebrenik. Human, bot or both? A study on the capabilities of classification models on mixed accounts 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2021, pp. 654-658 (PDF).
  71. Nan Yang, Pieter Cuijpers, Ramon Schiffelers, Johan Lukkien and Alexander Serebrenik. Logs and models in engineering complex embedded systems 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Doctoral Symposium, 2021, pp. 695-700.
  72. Fiorella Zampetti, Gianmarco Fucci, Alexander Serebrenik and Massimiliano Di Penta. Self-Admitted Technical Debt Practices: A Comparison Between Industry and Open-Source, Empirical Software Engineering, 2021, 26(6):131 (PDF).
  73. Nan Yang, Pieter Cuijpers, Ramon Schiffelers, Johan Lukkien and Alexander Serebrenik. Single-state-state-machines in model-driven software engineering: an exploratory study, Empirical Software Engineering, 2021, 26(6):124 (PDF).
  74. Daniela Girardi, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. Emotions and Perceived Productivity of Software Developers at the Workplace IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021 (PDF, accepted)
  75. Yoshiki Higo and Alexander Serebrenik. Introduction to Special Issue on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation Journal of Systems and Software, 177:110949, 2021 (PDF)
  76. Jeffrey C. Carver, Henry Muccini, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rafael Prikladnicki, Alexander Serebrenik, Thomas Zimmermann. Behavioral Science and Diversity in Software Engineering IEEE Software 38(2):107-121, 2021
  77. Dragoş Şerban, Bart Golsteijn, Ralph Holdorp and Alexander Serebrenik. SAW-BOT: Proposing Fixes for Static Analysis Warnings with GitHub Suggestions Third Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering, pp. 26-30, 2021 (PDF).
  78. Gianmarco Fucci, Nathan Cassee, Fiorella Zampetti, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik and Massimiliano Di Penta. Waiting around or job half-done? Sentiment in self-admitted technical debt 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, pp. 403-414, 2021 (PDF).
  79. Khaled Albusays, Pernille Bjørn, Laura Dabbish, Denae Ford, Emerson Murphy-Hill, Alexander Serebrenik, Margaret-Anne Storey. The Diversity Crisis in Software Development IEEE Software, 38(2):19--25 (2021) (PDF).
  80. Nicole Novielli, Fabio Calefato, Filippo Lanubile, Alexander Serebrenik. Assessment of Off-the-Shelf SE-specific Sentiment Analysis Tools: An Extended Replication Study Empirical Software Engineering, 2021, 26(4):77 (PDF).
  81. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. An Exploratory Study on Confusion in Code Reviews Empirical Software Engineering 26(1):12, 2021 (PDF, SharedIt).
  82. Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik, Andy Zaidman, Francesca Arcelli Fontana and Rocco Oliveto. Beyond Technical Aspects: How Do Community Smells Influence the Intensity of Code Smells? IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 47(1):108-129, 2021 (PDF).
  83. This is an extended version of the following poster:
  84. Nan Yang, Pieter Cuijpers, Ramon Schiffelers, Johan Lukkien and Alexander Serebrenik. An interview study of how developers use execution logs in embedded software engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Practice 2021, pp.61-70 (PDF).
  85. Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik. Understanding Community Smells Variability: A Statistical Approach, International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Society 2021, pp. 77-86 (PDF).
  86. Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik. Understanding Community Smells Variability: A Statistical Approach - Replication Package Instructions, International Conference on Software Engineering, Companion volume, 2021, pp.196-197.
  87. Aart Jan Kort, Jan Wijkniet, Alexander Serebrenik, Theo Hofman. Automated Multi-level Dynamic System Topology Design Synthesis Vehicles, 2(4):603-624, 2020 (PDF, Open Access at the Publisher's site)
  88. Alexander Serebrenik, Kelly Blincoe, Byron J. Williams, Joanne M. Atlee Diversity and Inclusion in the Software Engineering Research Community ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 45(4):5-7, October 2020 (PDF)
  89. Tukaram Muske and Alexander Serebrenik. Techniques for Efficient Automated Elimination of False Positives 20th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2020, pp.248-252 (PDF).
  90. Mairieli Wessel, Alexander Serebrenik, Igor Scaliante Wiese, Igor Steinmacher and Marco Aurélio Gerosa. What to Expect from Code Review Bots on GitHub? A Survey with OSS Maintainers 34th Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium (SBES), Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results, 2020, pp. 457-462 (PDF).
  91. Valentina Piantadosi, Fabiana Fierro, Simone Scalabrino, Alexander Serebrenik, Rocco Oliveto. How Does Code Readability Change During Software Evolution? Empirical Software Engineering, 25(6):5374-5412, 2020 (PDF).
  92. Mairieli Wessel, Alexander Serebrenik, Igor Scaliante Wiese, Igor Steinmacher and Marco Aurélio Gerosa. Effects of Adopting Code Review Bots on Pull Requests to OSS Projects 36h IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2020, pp.1-11 (distinguished paper award, PDF).
  93. Gianmarco Fucci, Fiorella Zampetti, Alexander Serebrenik and Massimiliano Di Penta. Who (Self) Admits Technical Debt? 36h IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME-NIER), 2020, pp. 672-676 (PDF).
  94. Sebastian Baltes, George Park, Alexander Serebrenik. Is 40 the new 60? How popular media portrays the employability of older software developers, IEEE Software, 37(6):26-31, 2020 (PDF, video).
  95. Weslley Silva Torres, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. Automatic Support for Multi-Domain Model Management 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Doctoral Symposium, 2020, pp. 830-833 (PDF).
  96. Edna Dias Canedo, Rodrigo Bonifácio de Almeida, Márcio Vinicius Okimoto, Alexander Serebrenik, Gustavo Pinto, and Eduardo Monteiro. Work Practices and Perceptions from Women Core Developers in OSS Communities ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2020, pp. 26:1-26:11 (arXiv PDF, PDF).
  97. Monika Gupta, Prerna Agarwal, Tarun Tater, Sampath Dechu, and Alexander Serebrenik. Analyzing Comments in Ticket Resolution to Capture Underlying Process Interactions 4th International Workshop in Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, volume 397, pp. 219-231, 2020 (PDF).
  98. Weslley Silva Torres, Mark van den Brand, and Alexander Serebrenik. Suitability of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Multi-domain Model Management International Conference on Systems Modelling and Management, Springer Verlag, 2020, pp. 149-162 (PDF).
  99. Nan Yang, Pieter Cuijpers, Ramon Schiffelers, Johan Lukkien and Alexander Serebrenik. Painting Flowers: Reasons for Using Single-State State Machines in Model-Driven Engineering, 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2020, pp. 362-373 (PDF).
  100. Muhammad Ilyas Azeem, Sebastiano Panichella, Andrea Di Sorbo, Alexander Serebrenik, Qing Wang. Action-based recommendation in Pull-request development, International Conference on Software and System Processes 2020, pp. 115-124 (PDF).
  101. Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik, Filomena Ferrucci. Refactoring Community Smells in the Wild: The Practitioner's Field Manual, International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Society, 2020, pp. 25-34 (PDF).
  102. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Alexander Serebrenik. A Reflection on "An Exploratory Study on Exception Handling Bugs in Java Programs" Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering---Reflection track, 2020, pp. 552-556 (PDF).
  103. Nathan Cassee, Bogdan Vasilescu and Alexander Serebrenik. The Silent Helper: the Impact of Continuous Integration on Code Reviews Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2020, pp. 423-434 (PDF).
  104. Fiorella Zampetti, Alexander Serebrenik and Massimiliano Di Penta. Automatically Learning Patterns for Self-Admitted Technical Debt Removal Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2020, pp.355-366 (PDF).
  105. Gema Rodriguez Perez, Andy Zaidman, Alexander Serebrenik, Gregorio Robles, Daniel M. German and Jesús M. González-Barahona. How Bugs Are Born: A Model to Identify How Bugs Are Introduced in Software Components Empirical Software Engineering, 25:1294-1340, 2020 (PDF)
  106. Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik, Filomena Ferrucci. Gender Diversity and Community Smells: Insights from the Trenches, IEEE Software, 37(1):10-16, 2020 (PDF).
  107. Tukaram Muske, Rohith Talluri, Alexander Serebrenik. Reducing Static Analysis Alarms based on Non-impacting Control Dependencies Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11893, Springer Verlag, 2019, pp. 115-135 (PDF).
  108. Nicole Novielli and Alexander Serebrenik Sentiment and Emotion in Software Engineering IEEE Software, 36(5):6-9 + 23 (2019).
  109. Guilherme Amaral Avelino, Eleni Constantinou, Marco Tulio Valente and Alexander Serebrenik On the abandonment and survival of open source projects: An empirical investigation Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2019, pp. 1-12 (PDF).
  110. Adithya Raghuraman, Truong Ho-Quang, Michel Chaudron, Alexander Serebrenik, Bogdan Vasilescu. Does UML Modeling Associate with Higher Software Quality in Open-Source Software? International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2019, pp. 101-104 (PDF)
  111. Daniela Girardi, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, Luigi Quaranta, Alexander Serebrenik Towards Recognizing the Emotions of Developers Using Biometrics: The Design of a Field Study International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering, 2019, pp. 13-16 (PDF)
  112. Denae Ford, Reed Milewicz, Alexander Serebrenik. How Remote Work Can Foster a More Inclusive Environment for Transgender Developers Workshop on Gender Equality in Software Engineering, 2019, pp. 9-12 (PDF)
  113. Wesley Brants, Bonita Sharif, Alexander Serebrenik. Assessing the Meaning of Emojis for Emotional Awareness - A Pilot Study 2nd International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media, Companion of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference, 2019, pp. 419-423 (PDF)
  114. Weslley Silva Torres, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. Model Management Tools for Models of Different Domains: A Systematic Literature Review 13th IEEE International Systems Conference, 2019, pp.1-8 (PDF).
  115. Gemma Catolino, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik, Filomena Ferrucci. Gender Diversity and Women in Software Teams: How Do They Affect Community Smells? 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, (ICSE 2019), Software Engineering in Society, 2019, pp. 11-20 (PDF).
  116. Denae Ford, Mahnaz Behroozi, Alexander Serebrenik, Chris Parnin. Beyond the Code Itself: How Programmers Really Look at Pull Requests 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, (ICSE 2019), Software Engineering in Society, 2019, pp. 51-60 (PDF).
  117. Huilian Sophie Qiu, Alexander Nolte, Anita Brown, Alexander Serebrenik, Bogdan Vasilescu. Going Farther Together: The Impact of Social Capital on Sustained Participation in Open Source 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019), 2019, pp. 688-699 (distinguished paper award, PDF)
  118. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. Confusion in Code Reviews: Reasons, Impacts and Coping Strategies 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2019, pp. 49-60 (distinguished paper award, PDF).
  119. John Businge, Simon Kawuma, Openja Moses, Engineer Bainomugisha and Alexander Serebrenik. How stable are Eclipse Application Framework Internal Interfaces?, 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2019, pp.117-127 (PDF).
  120. Nan Yang, Kousar Aslam, Ramon Schiffelers, Leonard Lensink, Dennis Hendriks, Loek Cleophas and Alexander Serebrenik. Improving model inference in industry by combining active and passive learning, 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2019, pp. 253-263 (PDF).
  121. Jeffrey C. Carver, Rafael Capilla, Birgit Penzenstadler, Alexander Serebrenik, Alejandro Valdezate. Gender, Sentiment and Emotions, and Safety-Critical Systems IEEE Software 35(6):16-19, 2018
  122. David Lo, Alexander Serebrenik. Preface to the Special Issue on Program Comprehension. Empirical Software Engineering, 24(1): 208-210 (2019) (ShareIt).
  123. Damian Andrew Tamburri, Fabio Palomba, Alexander Serebrenik, Andy Zaidman. Discovering Community Patterns in Open-Source: A Systematic Approach and Its Evaluation, Empirical Software Engineering, 24(3):1369--1417, 2019. (PDF).
  124. Daniel Izquierdo-Cortazar, Nicole Huesman, Alexander Serebrenik, Gregorio Robles. OpenStack Gender Diversity Report IEEE Software, 36(1), pp. 28-33, 2019 (PDF).
  125. Jeroen Noten, Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik. Empowering OCL Research: A Large-Scale Corpus of Open-Source Data. Empirical Software Engineering, 24(3):1574--1609, 2019. (PDF, Springer Nature SharedIt). This is a significantly extended and revised version of the following paper:
    • Jeroen Noten, Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik. A Data Set of OCL Expressions on GitHub. Proceedings of the 14th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Showcase, pp. 531-534, 2017 (PDF), Best Data Showcase contribution.
  126. Amber van der Heijden, Cosmin Broasca and Alexander Serebrenik. An Empirical Perspective on Security Challenges in Large-Scale Agile Software Development. Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, October 11-12, 2018, pp. 45:1-45:4. (PDF, PDF including the interview guide)
  127. Gema Rodriguez Perez, Andy Zaidman, Alexander Serebrenik, Gregorio Robles, and Jesús M. González-Barahona. What if a bug has a Different Origin? Making Sense of Bugs Without an Explicit Bug Introducing Change. Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, October 11-12, 2018, pp. 52:1-52:4. Best Emerging Results Paper (PDF)
  128. Jeffrey C. Carver, Birgit Penzenstadler, Alexander Serebrenik, Software analysis, evolution, and reengineering, and ICT sustainability IEEE Software 35(4):78-80, 2018
  129. Monika Gupta, Atri Mandal, Gargi Dasgupta, Alexander Serebrenik. Runtime Monitoring in Continuous Deployment by Differencing Execution Behaviour Models. The 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11236, Springer Verlag, 2018, pp. 812-827 (PDF).
  130. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. Communicative Intention in Code Review Questions 34th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results, 2018, pp. 519-523 (PDF)
  131. Monika Gupta, Allahbaksh Asadullah, Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Alexander Serebrenik. Reducing User Input Requests to Improve IT Support Ticket Resolution Process Empirical Software Engineering, 23(3):1664-1703, 2018 (PDF)
  132. Tukaram Muske, Rohith Talluri, Alexander Serebrenik. Repositioning of Static Analysis Alarms 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2018, pp. 187-197 (PDF, version with proofs)
  133. Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Bogdan Vasilescu and Alexander Serebrenik. EnTagRec++: An Enhanced Tag Recommendation System for Software Information Sites} Empirical Software Engineering, 23(2):800-832, 2018 (PDF preprint, official version at Springer Nature SharedIt, online first)
  134. Jeffrey C. Carver, Alexander Serebrenik. Software Maintenance and Evolution and Automated Software Engineering. IEEE Software 35(2): 102-104, 2018 (PDF)
  135. Miguel Botto-Tobar, Weslley Silva Torres, Angela Lozano, Bogdan Vasilescu, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. Is Stack Overflow in Portuguese attractive for Brazilian Users? 13th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2018, pp.21-29 (PDF).
  136. Nathan Cassee, Gustavo Pinto, Fernando Castor and Alexander Serebrenik. How Swift Developers Handle Errors Proceedings of the 15th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2018, pp. 292-302 (PDF).
  137. Fiorella Zampetti, Alexander Serebrenik and Massimiliano Di Penta. Was Self-Admitted Technical Debt Removal a Real Removal? An In-Depth Perspective Proceedings of the 15th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2018, pp. 526-536 (PDF).
  138. Dario Di Nucci, Fabio Palomba, Damian Andrew Tamburri, Alexander Serebrenik and Andrea De Lucia. Detecting Code Smells using Machine Learning Techniques: Are We There Yet? 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2018, Replication and Negative Results, pp. 612-621 (PDF).
  139. Josh Mengerink, Bram van der Sanden, Bram Cappers, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand. Exploring DSL Evolutionary Patterns in Practice: A study of DSL evolution in a large-scale industrial DSL repository 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD), 2018, pp. 446-453 (PDF)
  140. Alexander Serebrenik Emotional Labor of Software Engineers Proceedings of the 16th edition of the BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution symposium, Antwerp, Belgium, December 4-5, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2047, 2018, pp. 1-6 (PDF)
  141. Fabio Palomba, Alexander Serebrenik, Andy Zaidman Social Debt Analytics for Improving the Management of Software Evolution Tasks Proceedings of the 16th edition of the BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution symposium, Antwerp, Belgium, December 4-5, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2047, 2018, pp. 18-21 (PDF)
  142. Jeffrey C. Carver, Alexander Serebrenik, ICSE Highlights IEEE Software 34(6):18-20, 2017
  143. Jeffrey C. Carver, Birgit Penzenstadler, Alexander Serebrenik, Aiko Yamashita, The Human Factor IEEE Software 34(5):90-92, 2017
  144. Robbert Jongeling, Proshanta Sarkar, Subhajit Datta, Alexander Serebrenik On Negative Results when using Sentiment Analysis Tools for Software Engineering Research Empirical Software Engineering 22(5), 2543-2584, 2017 (PDF)
      This is a significantly extended version of the short paper that has been published at ICSME 2015 ERA:
      Robbert Jongeling, Subhajit Datta, Alexander Serebrenik Choosing Your Weapons: On Sentiment Analysis Tools for Software Engineering Research 31th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Early Research Achievements Track, pp. 531-535, 2015 (PDF)
  145. Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand. Automated Analyses of Model-Driven Artifacts: Obtaining Insights Into Real-Life Application of MDE International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM Mensura 2017), pp. 116-121 (PDF)
  146. Josh Mengerink, Jeroen Noten, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. A Case of Industrial vs. Open-Source OCL: Not So Different After All 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2017), Posters track, pp. 472-474 (PDF)
  147. Alaaeddin Swidan, Alexander Serebrenik, Felienne Hermans. How do Scratch Programmers Name Variables and Procedures? 17th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), pp.51-60, 2017 (PDF)
  148. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik. Confusion Detection in Code Reviews 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results, pp. 549-553, 2017 (PDF)
  149. Perry van Wesel, Bin Lin, Gregorio Robles, Alexander Serebrenik. Reviewing Career Paths of the OpenStack Developers 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, New Ideas and Emerging Results, pp. 544-548, 2017 (PDF)
  150. Yangyang Zhao, Alexander Serebrenik, Yuming Zhou, Vladimir Filkov, Bogdan Vasilescu. The Impact of Continuous Integration on Other Software Development Practices: A Large-Scale Empirical Study 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2017, pp. 60-71 (PDF)
  151. Davide Falessi, Wyatt Smith, Alexander Serebrenik. STRESS: A Semi-Automated, Fully Replicable Approach for Project Selection ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2017, pp. 151-156 (PDF)
  152. Everton Maldonado, Rabe Abdalkareem, Emad Shihab and Alexander Serebrenik. An Empirical Study On the Removal of Self-Admitted Technical Debt 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, pp. 238-248, 2017 (PDF)
  153. Bin Lin, Gregorio Robles, Alexander Serebrenik. Developer Turnover in Global, Industrial Open Source Projects: Insights from Applying Survival Analysis Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, pp. 66-75, 2017 (PDF)
  154. Daviti Gachechiladze, Filippo Lanubile, Nicole Novielli, Alexander Serebrenik Anger and Its Direction in Collaborative Software Development 39th International Conference on Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE NIER 2017), pp. 11-14, 2017 (PDF)
  155. Alexander Serebrenik, Bram Adams. Foreword to the SANER 2015 Special Issue Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2016 (accepted)
  156. Davy Landman, Alexander Serebrenik, Jurgen Vinju Challenges for Static Analysis of Java Reflection -- Literature Review and Empirical Study 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017), pp. 507-518, 2017 (PDF) Distinguished paper award
  157. Parastou Tourani, Bram Adams, Alexander Serebrenik. Code of Conduct in Open Source Projects. 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, pp. 24-33, 2017 (PDF)
  158. Marta Olszewska, Yanja Dajsuren, Harald Altinger, Alexander Serebrenik, Marina Walden and Mark van den Brand. Tailoring Complexity Metrics for Simulink Models European Conference on Software Architectures Workshops (Women in Software Architecture), article 5, 2016 (PDF)
  159. Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand. Udapt: Edapt Extensions for Industrial Application Industry Track for Software Language Engineering, 2016 (PDF)
  160. Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand. DSL/Model Co-Evolution in Industrial EMF-Based MDSE Ecosystems 10th Workshop on Models and Evolution, CEUR-WS volume 1706, pp. 2-7. (PDF)
  161. Tukaram Muske, Alexander Serebrenik. Survey of Approaches for Handling Static Analysis Alarms 16th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2016), pp. 157-166 (PDF)
  162. Davy Landman, Alexander Serebrenik, Eric Bouwers, Jurgen Vinju Empirical analysis of the relationship between CC and SLOC in a large corpus of Java methods and C functions Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 28(7):589-618 (2016) (PDF, Corrigendum)
  163. Christine M. Gerpheide, Ramon Schiffelers, Alexander Serebrenik Assessing and Improving Quality of QVTo Model Transformations. Software Quality Journal, 24(3):797-834 (2016) (PDF, Springer Nature SharedIt PDF)
  164. Yorrick Vissers, Josh Mengerink, Ramon Schiffelers, Alexander Serebrenik and Michel Reniers. Maintenance of Specification Models in Industry Using Edapt. Proceedings of the Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL 2016), September 14-16, 2016, Bremen, Germany (PDF)
  165. Josh Mengerink, Alexander Serebrenik, Ramon Schiffelers, Mark van den Brand. Complete Evolution Specification for MDSE 32nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2016, pp. 144-154 (PDF).
  166. Bin Lin, Alexander Serebrenik. Recognizing Gender of Stack Overflow Users Proceedings of the 13th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2016, pp. 425-429. (PDF)
  167. Tamara Mendes, Marco Tulio Valente, André Hora, Alexander Serebrenik. Identifying Utility Functions using Random Forests 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering. Early Research Achievements track, pp. 614-618. (PDF)
  168. Marcel Rebouças, Gustavo Pinto, Felipe Ebert, Weslley Torres, Alexander Serebrenik, Fernando Castor. An Empirical Study on the Usage of the Swift Programming Language 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering. Early Research Achievements track, pp. 634-638. (PDF)
  169. Bin Lin, Alexey Zagalsky, Margaret-Anne Storey, Alexander Serebrenik. Why Developers Are Slacking Off: Understanding How Software Teams Use Slack Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) 2016 companion volume, pp. 333-336. PDF
  170. Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Mens Surveying Challenges in Software Ecosystems Research European workshop on software ecosystems.
  171. Paloma Oliveira, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel, Alexander Serebrenik Validating Metric Thresholds with Developers - an Early Result 31th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Early Research Achievements Track, pp. 546-550, 2015 (PDF, IEEEXplore)
  172. Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Mens Challenges in Software Ecosystems Research Joint 7th Workshop on Software Ecosystems (IWSECO 2015) and 3rd International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures (WEA 2015). Proceedings of the 2015 European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops. Article No. 40 (PDF)
  173. Felipe Ebert, Fernando Castor, Alexander Serebrenik An Exploratory Study on Exception Handling Bugs in Java Programs Journal of Systems and Software, volume 106, pp. 82-101, 2015 (PDF)
  174. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Vladimir Filkov A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams. Proceedings of the 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 16-17, 2015. (PDF)
  175. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Eclipse API usage: the good and the bad. Software Quality Journal, 23(1):107-141, 2015 (link)
  176. Bogdan Vasilescu, Vladimir Filkov, Alexander Serebrenik. Perceptions of Diversity on GitHub: A User Survey. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, 2015, ACM, pp. 50-56 (PDF).
  177. Emilia Silvas, Theo Hofman, Alexander Serebrenik, Maarten Steinbuch. Functional and Cost-Based Automatic Generator for Hybrid Vehicles Topologies. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(4):1561-1572 (PDF)
  178. Bogdan Vasilescu, Daryl Posnett, Baishakhi Ray, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Premkumar Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov. Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015, ACM, pp. 3789-3798.(PDF, press release, erratum).
  179. Alexander Serebrenik. Evolving Software Systems: Emerging Trends and Challenges. Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems (MESOCA), 2014, invited talk, p. x (PDF)
  180. Christine M. Gerpheide, Ramon Schiffelers, Alexander Serebrenik. QVTo Model Transformations: Assessing and Improving their Quality. ERCIM News, 99, 2014, pp.32-33
  181. Bogdan Vasilescu, Stef van Schuylenburg, Jules Wulms, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Continuous Integration in a Social-Coding World: Empirical Evidence from GitHub. 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Early Research Achievements Track, pp.401-405 (PDF)
  182. Paloma Oliveira, Fernando Lima, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexander Serebrenik RTTOOL: A Tool for Extracting Relative Thresholds for Source Code Metrics. 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Tool Track, pp.629-632 (PDF)
  183. Christine M. Gerpheide, Ramon Schiffelers, Alexander Serebrenik A Bottom-Up Quality Model for QVTo 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2014), pp. 85-94 (PDF). Best paper award
  184. Davy Landman, Alexander Serebrenik, Jurgen Vinju Empirical analysis of the relationship between CC and SLOC in a large corpus of Java methods. 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, pp.221-230 (PDF) Nominated for the best Research Track paper award
  185. Shaowei Wang, David Lo, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik EnTagRec: An Enhanced Tag Recommendation System for Software Information Sites. 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, pp.291-300 (PDF)
  186. Yanja Dajsuren, Christine M. Gerpheide, Alexander Serebrenik, Anton Wijs, Bogdan Vasilescu and Mark van den Brand. Formalizing correspondence rules for automotive architectural views Tenth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2014), Lille, France, June 30-July 4, 2014, pp.129-138 (PDF)
  187. Gregorio Robles, Laura Arjona-Reina, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Jesús M. González-Barahona. FLOSS 2013: A survey dataset about free software contributors. Challenges for curating, sharing and combining. Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 31-June 1, 2014, pp.396-399 (PDF)
  188. Daniel Pletea, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik. Security and Emotion: Sentiment Analysis of Security Discussions on GitHub. Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 31-June 1, 2014, pp.348-351 (PDF)
  189. Georgios Gousios, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Andy Zaidman. Lean GHTorrent: GitHub data on demand. Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 31-June 1, 2014, pp.384-387 (PDF)
  190. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Mens, Mark van den Brand, Ekaterina Pek. How healthy are software engineering conferences? Science of Computer Programming (link), 89C:251-272 (PDF)
  191. Sander de Putter, Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik. Testing conformance of EJB 3 enterprise application servers. 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, April 27-30, 2014), pp. 272-279 (PDF)
  192. Tom Mens, Maëlick Claes, Philippe Grosjean, Alexander Serebrenik Studying Evolving Software Ecosystems based on Ecological Models in Evolving Software Systems (Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, Anthony Cleve, eds.) Berlin, Springer, 420 pp., pp. 297-326.
  193. Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Mens Emerging trends in software evolution in Evolving Software Systems (Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, Anthony Cleve, eds.) Berlin, Springer, 420 pp., pp. 329-332.
  194. Tom Mens, Alexander Serebrenik, Anthony Cleve. Evolving Software Systems Berlin, Springer, 420 pp.
  195. Yanya Dajsuren, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik and Rudolf Huisman. A quality framework for evaluating automotive architecture. FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress (2-6 June 2014).
  196. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. The Babel of Software Development: Linguistic Diversity in Open Source. 5th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2013), Kyoto, Japan; Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8238, pp. 391-404
  197. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov. How Social Q&A; Sites are Changing Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Communities. 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2014), pp. 342--354 (PDF)
  198. Bogdan Vasilescu, Vladimir Filkov, Alexander Serebrenik. StackOverflow and GitHub : associations between software development and crowdsourced knowledge. 2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (Washington DC, USA, September 8-13, 2013), pp.188-195
  199. Bogdan Vasilescu, Andrea Capiluppi, Alexander Serebrenik Gender, Representation and Online Participation: A Quantitative Study Interacting with Computers (link)
  200. Bram Schoenmakers, Niels van den Broek, Istvan Nagy, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik. Assessing the Complexity of Upgrading Software Modules 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE). October 14-17, 2013. Koblenz, Germany, pp.433-440. (PDF)
  201. Alexandru Sutii, Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik. Detecting Dependencies in Enterprise JavaBeans with SQuAVisiT 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE). October 14-17, 2013. Koblenz, Germany, pp. 485-486. (PDF)
  202. Yanja Dajsuren, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik. Modularity Analysis of Automotive Control Software ERCIM News 2013(94), pp.20-21
  203. Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik, Aurélien Mazoyer, Mark van den Brand, Ella Roubtsova. I2SD: Reverse engineering sequence diagrams from Enterprise JavaBeans with interceptors. IET Software 7(3):150-166, 2013 (PDF).
  204. Yanya Dajsuren, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Serguei Roubtsov Simulink Models are Also Software: Modularity Assessment. Ninth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2013), Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2013, pp. 99-106 (PDF).
  205. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Mens. A historical dataset of software engineering conferences. Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, May 18-19, 2013, San Francisco, California, USA, pp. 373-376 PDF
  206. Bogdan Vasilescu, Andrea Capiluppi, Alexander Serebrenik Men at work: the StackOverflow case Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, 2
  207. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Analyzing the Eclipse API usage: Putting the developer in the loop. Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2013), March 5-8, 2013 Genova, Italy. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.37-46.
  208. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Mathieu Goeminne, Tom Mens. On the variation and specialisation of workload: A case study of the Gnome ecosystem community. Empirical Software Engineering, 2014,19(4): 955-1008
  209. Bogdan Vasilescu, Andrea Capiluppi, Alexander Serebrenik Gender, Representation and Online Participation: A Quantitative Study of StackOverflow Social Informatics (SocialInformatics), 2012 International Conference on, p. 332-338 (PDF)
  210. Andrea Capiluppi, Alexander Serebrenik, Leif Singer. Assessing Technical Candidates on the Social Web, IEEE Software, 2012, 30(1):45-51 (PDF)
  211. Erik Kouters, Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Who's who in Gnome: using LSA to merge software repository identities, 2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Software Maintenance---Early Research Achievements (ICSM 2012 ERA), 23-30 September 2012 - Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, pp. 593-596
  212. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Survival of Eclipse Third-party Plug-ins, 2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2012), 23-30 September 2012 - Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, pp. 369-378 (PDF)
  213. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Compatibility Prediction of Eclipse Third-Party Plug-ins in New Eclipse Releases, 2012 IEEE 12th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2012), 23-24 September 2012 - Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, pp. 164-173 (PDF, Appendix)
  214. Karine Mordal-Manet, Nicolas Anquetil, Jannik Laval, Alexander Serebrenik, Bogdan Vasilescu, Stephan Ducasse Software quality metrics aggregation in industry. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2013, 25(1):1117-1135
  215. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand How to aggregate software metrics? Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, 1
  216. Yanya Dajsuren, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik and Rudolf Huisman. Automotive ADLs: A study on enforcing consistency through multiple architectural levels, Eighth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2012, Bertinoro, Italy, June 25-28, 2012), pp. 71-80 (PDF)
  217. Andrea Capiluppi, Alexander Serebrenik and Ahmmad Youssef. Developing an h-index for OSS developers. 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2012, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-3, 2012), pp. 251-254 (PDF)
  218. Marcel van Amstel, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik Traceability Visualization in Model Transformations with TraceVis 5th International Conference on Model Transformation, May 28-29, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7307, pp. 152-159, Springer Verlag.
  219. Jeroen Arnoldus, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Jacob Brunekreef Code Generation with Templates. Amsterdam-Paris: Atlantis Press (on-line).
  220. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Eclipse API usage: the good and the bad. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability, March 27-30, 2012, Szeged, Hungary, pp. 54-62.
  221. Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand, Bogdan Vasilescu Seeing the Forest for the Trees with New Econometric Aggregation Techniques ERCIM News 2012(88): (2012), pp.21-22
  222. Alexander Serebrenik, Wouter Poncin, Mark van den Brand Process Mining Software Repositories: Do Developers Work as Expected? ERCIM News 2012(88): (2012), pp. 16-17
  223. Joost Gabriels, Danny Holten, Martijn Klabbers, Wiljan van Ravensteijn, Alexander Serebrenik. Managing the co-evolution of software artifacts. In Marielle Stoelinga & Mark Timmer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Dutch Testing Day (Enschede, The Netherlands, November 29, 2011). (CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series, Vol. WP 12-01, pp. 15-17, 2012). Enschede: University of Twente.
  224. Marcel van Amstel, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand. Visualizing traceability in model transformation compositions. Computer Science Report No. 11-17, Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 11 pp.
  225. John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand Eclipse API usage: the good and the bad. Computer Science Reports No. 11-15, Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 10 pp., 2011.
  226. Yanya Dajsuren, Mark van den Brand and Alexander Serebrenik. Evolution Mechanisms of Automotive Architecture Description Languages, BENEVOL 2011 (10th Belgian-Netherlands Software Evolution Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, December 8-9, 2011, pp.24-25
  227. Alexander Serebrenik, Bogdan Vasilescu and Mark van den Brand. Similar Tasks, Different Effort: Why the Same Amount of Functionality Requires Different Development Effort?, BENEVOL 2011 (10th Belgian-Netherlands Software Evolution Seminar, Brussels, Belgium, December 8-9, 2011, pp.4-5
  228. ACM DL Author-ize serviceMining student capstone projects with FRASR and ProM
    Wouter Poncin, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand
    SPLASH '11 Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion, 2011 pp.87-96
  229. ACM DL Author-ize serviceLess is more: unparser-completeness of metalanguages for template engines
    B. J. Arnoldus, M. G. J. van den Brand, A. Serebrenik
    GPCE '11 Proceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on Generative programming and component engineering, 2011 pp.137-146
  230. Marcel van Amstel, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. Visualizing traceability in model transformation compositions. Pre-proceedings of the first workshop on Composition and Evolution of Model Transformations (London, UK, September 30, 2011), London: Department of Informatics, King's College London.
  231. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. You can't control the unfamiliar: A study on the relations between aggregation techniques for software metrics. 27th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2011), IEEE, Williamsburg, VA, USA, 2011, pp.313-322.
  232. Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik, Aurélien Mazoyer and Mark van den Brand. I2SD: Reverse engineering sequence diagrams from Enterprise JavaBeans with interceptors. 11th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2011, Williamsburg VA, USA, September 25-26, 2011), pp.155-164
  233. ACM DL Author-ize serviceBy no means: a study on aggregating software metrics
    Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand
    WETSoM '11 Proceeding of the 2nd international workshop on Emerging trends in software metrics,�2011
  234. Wouter Poncin, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. Process mining software repositories.. In 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR 2011, Oldenburg, Germany, March 1-14, 2011. IEEE 2011, pp. 5-14
  235. Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. Comparative study of software metrics' aggregation techniques. In S. Ducasse, L. Duchien, L. Seinturier (Eds.), BENEVOL 2010 (9th Belgian-Netherlands Software Evolution Seminar, Lille, France, December 16, 2010. Proceedings of Short Papers). (pp. 1-5). Lille: Universit� Lille 1.
  236. Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand. Theil index for aggregation of software metrics values, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Software Maintenance (ICSM), Timisoara, Romania, September 12-18, 2010, pp. 1-9
  237. ACM DL Author-ize serviceAn empirical study of the evolution of Eclipse third-party plug-ins
    John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik, Mark van den Brand
    IWPSE-EVOL '10 Proceedings of the Joint ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (EVOL) and International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE),�2010, pp. 63-72.
  238. Alexander Serebrenik, Amrita Mishra, Thomas Delissen, Martijn Klabbers. Requirements certification for offshoring using LSPCM. 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal, September 29-October 2, 2010), pp.177-182. IEEE Computer Society.
  239. Peter Schneider-Kamp, Jürgen Giesl, Thomas Ströder, Alexander Serebrenik, René Thiemann. Automated Termination Analysis for Logic Programs with Cut. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 10(4-6): 365-381 (2010).
  240. ACM DL Author-ize serviceFormally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report
    M. G. J. van den Brand, A. P. van der Meer, A. Serebrenik, A. T. Hofkamp
    LDTA '10 Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications,�2010, pp. 63-72.
  241. Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik and Mark van den Brand. Detecting Modularity "Smells" in Dependencies Injected with Java Annotations. In 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR 2010, Madrid, Spain, March 15-18, 2010. IEEE 2010, pp. ??-??
  242. Alexander Serebrenik, Serguei Roubtsov, Ella Roubtsova, Mark van den Brand. Reverse Engineering Sequence Diagrams for Enterprise Java Beans with Business Method Interceptors. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp.269-273.
  243. Mark van den Brand, Arjan van der Meer, Alexander Serebrenik. Type Checking Evolving Languages with MSOS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5700, Springer Verlag, 2009, pp. 207-226.
  244. ACM DL Author-ize servicePredicting service request rates for adaptive resource allocation in SOA
    Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova
    EOMAS '09 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Enterprises & Organizational Modeling and Simulation, 2009
  245. Peter Schneider-Kamp, Jürgen Giesl, Alexander Serebrenik, Thomas Ströder, René Thiemann. Proving Termination for Logic Programs with Cut. In 10th International Workshop on Termination, Leipzig 2009.
  246. Alexander Serebrenik, Serguei Roubtsov, Mark van den Brand. Dn-based Architecture Assessment of Java Open Source Software Systems. 17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 198-207.
  247. Mark van den Brand, Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik. SQuAVisiT: A Flexible Tool for Visual Software Analytics. In Andreas Winter, Rudolf Ferenc, Jens Knodel (Eds.): 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, CSMR 2009, Architecture-Centric Maintenance of Large-SCale Software Systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 24-27 March 2009. IEEE 2009, pp. 331-332
  248. Serguei Roubtsov, Alexander Serebrenik. Quality analysis of industrial legacy systems: An integrated approach. Third International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability, 2009, pp. 45-53.
  249. Marija Petković, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Elena Korshunova, Computing System Metrics through Reverse Engineering. In Setting Quality Standards. Proceedings of the CONQUEST 2008. 11th International Conference of Quality Engineering in Software Technology (Ina Schieferdecker and Stephan Goericke, editors). Potsdam, Germany, September 2008, pp. 261-270
  250. Peter Massuthe, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Karsten Wolf. Can I Find a Partner? Undecidablity of Partner Existence for Open Nets. Information Processing Letters 108(6):374-378 (2008).
  251. Kees van Hee, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova Token History Nets, Fundamenta Informaticae 85(1-4):219-234 (2008)
  252. Kees van Hee, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Wil van der Aalst. Working with the Past: Integrating History in Petri Nets, Fundamenta Informaticae 88(3):387-409, 2008.
  253. Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Boudewijn F. van Dongen, Cor A. J. Hurkens, Alexander Serebrenik. Process Discovery using Integer Linear Programming. 29th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5062, Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 367-387.
  254. Kees van Hee, Olivia Oanea, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Marc Voorhoeve. History-based Joins: Semantics, Soundness and Implementation. Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering, 64(1):24-37 (2008). Preliminary version of this paper has appeared as:
    • Kees van Hee, Olivia Oanea, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova and Marc Voorhoeve. History-based Joins: Semantics, Soundness and Implementation. 4th International Conference on Business Process Management. (S. Dustdar, J. Fiadeiro and A. P. Sheth, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4102, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 225--240
  255. Fred Mesnard, Alexander Serebrenik. Recurrence with affine level mappings is P-time decidable for CLP(R). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 8(1):111-119, 2008.
  256. Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Schrijvers , and Bart Demoen . Improving Prolog Programs: Refactoring for Prolog. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 8(2):201-215, 2008.
  257. Jürgen Giesl, Peter Schneider-Kamp, René Thiemann, Stephan Swiderski, Manh Thang Nguyen, Danny De Schreye, Alexander Serebrenik:
    Termination of Programs using Term Rewriting and SAT Solving. Deduction and Decision Procedures (Franz Baader, Byron Cook, Jürgen Giesl, Robert Nieuwenhuis, eds.), 30.09. - 05.10.2007.Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 07401 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007
  258. Kees van Hee , Helen Schonenberg, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Jan Martijn van der Werf . Adaptive Workflows for Healthcare Information Systems. ProHealth 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4928, Springer Verlag, p. 359-370, 2007.
  259. Ivo Raedts, Marija Petković, Alexander Serebrenik, Lou Somers. Transformation + Analysis = Validation. CONQUEST 2007.
  260. Kees van Hee, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Marc Voorhoeve, and Jan Martijn van der Werf, Modelling with History-Dependent Petri Nets. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4714, Springer Verlag, p. 320-327, 2007.
  261. Kees van Hee , Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova and Wil van der Aalst. History-Dependent Petri Nets. 28th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. Siedlce Poland, June 25-29, 2007, (Jetty Kleijn and Alex Yakovlev, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4546, Springer Verlag, 2007, pp. 164-183.
  262. ACM DL Author-ize serviceA software framework for automated verification
    Ivo Raedts, Marija Petković, Alexander Serebrenik, Jan Martijn van der Werf, Lou Somers, Maarten Boote
    SAC '07 Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing,�2007, pp. 1031-1032.
  263. Kees van Hee, Olivia Oanea, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova, Marc Voorhoeve, Irina A. Lomazova. Checking Properties of Adaptive Workflow Nets. Fundamenta Informaticae, 79(3-4): 347-362 (2007). Preliminary version of this paper has appeared as:
  264. Kees van Hee, Olivia Oanea, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova and Marc Voorhoeve. LogLogics: A Logic for History-Dependent Business Processes. Science of Computer Programming, volume 65, issue 1, March 2007, Special Issue of Science of Computer Programming on "Increasing Adequacy & Reliability of EIS" (J. Barjis, U. Ultes-Nitsche, J. Augusto, eds.), pages 30-40. Preliminary version of this paper has appeared as:
  265. Peter Schneider-Kamp, Jürgen Giesl, Alexander Serebrenik and René Thiemann .Termination Analysis for Logic Programs by Term Rewriting Revisited . Eighth International Workshop on Termination (A. Geser and H. Søndergaard, eds.) August 15 - 16, 2006 Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 2-6.
  266. Peter Schneider-Kamp , Jürgen Giesl , Alexander Serebrenik and René Thiemann . Automated Termination Analysis for Logic Programs by Term Rewriting. International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, July 12 - 14, 2006 S. Servolo, Venice - Italy , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4407, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 177-193
  267. Kees van Hee , Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova Marc Voorhoeve and Jan van der Wal. Scheduling-Free Resource Management. Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering, 61(1): 59-75 (2007). Preliminary version of this paper has appeared as:
  268. Kees van Hee, Irina A. Lomazova, Olivia Oanea, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova and Marc Voorhoeve . Nested Nets for Adaptive Systems. 27th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. Turku, Finland, June 26-30, 2006, (S. Donatelli and P. S. Thiagarajan, eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4024, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 241--260.
  269. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Termination of Floating Point Computations. Journal of Automated Reasoning, special issue on "Techniques for Automated Termination Proofs" (Deepak Kapur and J�rgen Giesl, editors), 34(2):141�177, December 2005.
  270. Alexander Serebrenik and Susana Mu�oz-Hern�ndez Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments, October 2005.
  271. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye, On termination of meta-programs, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 5(3): 355-390 (2005).
  272. Cornelis Huizing , Ruurd Kuiper, Teade Punter and Alexander Serebrenik. Looking for Stability. Development and Deployment of Product Software 2005 (S. Brinkkemper, L. Xu, eds.), San Diego, California, USA, June 26, 2005
  273. Kees van Hee, Alexander Serebrenik, Natalia Sidorova and Marc Voorhoeve.Soundness of Resource-Constrained Workflow Nets. 26th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. Miami, Florida, USA, June 20-25, 2005, (Gianfranco Ciardo, and Philippe Darondeau, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3536, Springer Verlag, 2005, pp. 250-267.
  274. Stefan Blom, Jan Friso Groote, Sjouke Mauw and Alexander Serebrenik. Analysing the BKE-security protocol with μCRL. Proceedings of ARTS 2004, the 6th AMAST Workshop on Real-Time Systems (ARTS 2004). Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. volume 139, Issue 1, November 2005, Pages 49-90. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also as
  275. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye, Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops in Prolog, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 4 (5&6), pp. 719-751, 2004
  276. Alexander Serebrenik, Fred Mesnard, On termination of binary CLP programs Proceedings of the International Symposium on LOgic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3573, Springer Verlag, 2004 (Etalle, Sandro ed.), pp. 231-244. Preliminary version of this paper also appeared as:
    • Alexander Serebrenik, Fred Mesnard, On termination of binary CLP programs Proceedings of the 14th international workshop on Logic Programming environments (Munoz-Hernandez Susana and Gomez-Perez Jose, eds.)
  277. Tom Schrijvers, Alexander Serebrenik, Improving Prolog Programs: Refactoring for Prolog Proceedings of The 20th International Conference on Logic Programming, St.-Malo, France ( Lifschitz, Vladimir and Demoen, Bart, eds.), 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3132, Springer Verlag, 2004, pp. 58-72. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also as
    • Tom Schrijvers, Alexander Serebrenik, and Bart Demoen, Refactoring Prolog Code, Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (M. Hanus, ed.), Berlin, Germany
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Bart Demoen, Refactoring logic programs, Ninetheen International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2003, Mumbay, India, December 9-13, 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2916, pp. 509-510. (poster)
  278. Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik, Proving termination for logic programs by the query-mapping pairs approach, "Program Development in Computational Logic" (Maurice Bruynooghe and Kung-Kiu Lau, editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 3049, 2004, pp. 453-498
  279. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye.Hasta-La-Vista: Termination analyzer for logic programs. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments (Fred Mesnard and Alexander Serebrenik, eds.) Published as K.U.Leuven technical report CW-371, November 2003. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also as
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Hasta-La-Vista: Termination analyzer for logic programs, Albert Rubio (ed.) 6th International Workshop on Termination, WST'03, Valencia, Spain, June 13-14, 2003, pp. 55-57
  280. Fred Mesnard and Alexander Serebrenik (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments. Published as K.U.Leuven technical report CW-371, November 2003
  281. Alexander Serebrenik, Termination analysis of logic programs, Ninetheen International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2003, Mumbay, India, December 9-13, 2003, , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2916, pp. 507-508. (poster)
  282. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye, Proving termination with adornments, Proceedings of International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, Uppsala, Sweden (Bruynooghe, M., ed.), 2003, pp.108-109. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also as
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Proving termination with adornments, Albert Rubio (ed.) 6th International Workshop on Termination, WST'03, Valencia, Spain, June 13-14, 2003, pp. 5-7
  283. Danny De Schreye and Alexander Serebrenik. Acceptability with General Orderings. In Fariba Sadri, Antonis Kakas (eds.) Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Robert A. Kowalski, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2407 Springer Verlag 2002, pp. 187-210. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Termination analysis of logic programs using acceptability with general term orders Technical report, CW-291, May 2000
  284. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye.
    On termination of logic programs with floating point computations 9th International Static Analysis Symposium, Madrid, Spain, September 17-20, 2002. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also as
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye.
      On termination of programs with real numbers computations
      Technical report, CW-331, May 2002.
  285. Sara Cohen, Yaron Kanza ,Yakov Kogan, Werner class=MsoHyperlink> Nutt, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. EquiX: a search and query language for XML, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 53(6): 454-466, 2002
  286. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye.
    Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops in Prolog 8th International Conference on Logic for Programming, AI and Reasoning, Havana, Cuba, December 3-7, 2001. Preliminary versions of this paper appeared as
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops, BNAIC'02 - Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Leuven, Belgium, October 21-22, 2002
    • Alexander Serebrenik. Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops < F.N.R.S. meeting on Validation and Verification of Formal Descriptions, ULB, Brussel, June 6, 2001.
    • Alexander Serebrenik. Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops Fifth International Workshop on Termination, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 20-21, 2001.
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops Technical report, CW-308, May 2001
  287. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. On termination of meta-programs 8th International Conference on Logic for Programming, AI and Reasoning, Havana, Cuba, December 3-7, 2001. Preliminary versions of this paper appeared
    • Alexander Serebrenik, and Danny De Schreye. On termination of meta-programs, BNAIC'02 - Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Leuven, Belgium, October 21-22, 2002
    • Alexander Serebrenik. On termination of meta-programs
      Fifth International Workshop on Termination, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 20-21, 2001
    • Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye.
      On termination of meta-programs Technical report, CW-306, February 2001
  288. Nachum Dershowitz, Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. A general framework for automatic termination analysis of logic programs In Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, volume 2001, issue 1/2, 2001. J�rgen Giesl , Pierre Lescanne (eds).
  289. Sara Cohen, Yaron Kanza,Yakov Kogan,Werner Nutt, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. Combining the Power of Searching and Querying In Opher Etzion, Peter Scheuermann (eds.) Proceedings of International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'2000), Eilat, Israel, September 6-8, 2000 Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1901, 2000. Extended version of this paper has been published a technical report 2000-28 of Leibniz Center for Research in Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. June, 2000.
  290. Sara Cohen , Werner Nutt and Alexander Serebrenik. Algorithms for Rewriting Aggregate Queries Using Views Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Enlarged Fourth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Prague, Czech Republik, September 5-8, 2000 Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1884, 2000. Extended version of this paper has been published a KULeuven technical report CW-292, May 2000. Preliminary version of this paper appeared also in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design and Management of Data Warehouses (DMDW'99), June 1999.
  291. Alexander Serebrenik and Danny De Schreye. Non-transformational termination analysis of Logic Programs, based on general term-orderings, Tenth International Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2000), London, July, 24-28, 2000. Preliminary version of this paper has been published in Technical Report Report Series, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, ISSN 1361-6161. Report number UMCS-00-6-1, pp. 45-54. Preliminary version of this paper also appeared as a KULeuven technical report, CW-284, January 2000
  292. Nachum Dershowitz, Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. Automatic Termination Analysis of Programs Containing Arithmetic Predicates Workshop on Verification of Logic Programs, December 1999. Also in ENTCS, volume 30, number 1.
  293. Sara Cohen, Yaron Kanza, Yakov Kogan, Werner Nutt, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. EquiX---Easy Querying in XML Databases In ACM Sigmod Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB'99), June 1999.
  294. ACM DL Author-ize serviceRewriting aggregate queries using views
    Sara Cohen, Werner Nutt, Alexander Serebrenik
    PODS '99 Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems,�1999
  295. Nachum Dershowitz, Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. When Linear Norms Are Not Enough Workshop on Termination, May 1999.
  296. Naomi Lindenstrauss , Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. Unfolding the Mystery of Mergesort In Norbert Fuchs (ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1463, 1997.
  297. Naomi Lindenstrauss, Yehoshua Sagiv and Alexander Serebrenik. TermiLog: A System for Checking Termination of Queries to Logic Programs In Orna Grumberg (ed.) Computer Aided Verification, 9th International Conference. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 1254, 1997.